Prìs Aonad: | 6 USD |
Seòrsa Pàighidh: | T/T |
Brand: Òigridh
Seòrsaichean De: Earrann luibhean
Comharran: Pùdar
Àite: Duilleag
Modh Tarraing: Tarraing fuasglaidh
Pacaid: DRUM, Container plastaig
Àite Origin: Sìona
Ainm bathar: Mulberry Extract
Source: natural product extracted from the mature fruit of mulberry plants
Specification: 5% 10%
Appearance: Purple black powder
Character: yellowish brown, brownish red or dark purple, slightly sour and sweet
Pacadh: 1. 1 cileagram gach poca fail aluminum le aon phoca plastaig a-staigh; 2. 25 cileagram gach baraille cairt-bhòrd le aon phoca plastaig a-staigh; 3. Pacadh mar riatanasan an luchd-ceannach.
Coileanadh: 3000 tons
Còmhdhail: Ocean,Land,Air,Express
Àite Tùs: Sìona
Comas Solarachaidh: 3000 tons
Port: Shanghai Port,Tianjin Port,Guangzhou Port
Seòrsa Pàighidh: T/T
Earrann Mulberry
1 .Introduction of Mulberry Extract :
Tha Earrann Mulberry na toradh nàdurrach a chaidh a thoirt bho bhilean aibidh de lusan mulberry, ris an canar cuideachd pigment dhearg Aulberry, agus is e anthocytanin am prìomh phàirt a th 'ann.
Tha pùdar mulberry air a thoirt gu buil le sùgh de mhulberry ùr le teicneòlas sònraichte. Tha e èideadh agus pùdar math deoch làidir le beathachadh àrd nàdurrach, le glè bheag de neo-chleachdaidhean. Faodar a chleachdadh gu farsaing ann am biadh slàinte, biadh leanaban, biadh a chaidh a thogail, biadh meadhan-aois, deoch làidir, cèicean, biadh fuar, msaa sa bhad, msaa.
2 .Basic Information of Mulberry Extract :
Product Name |
Mulberry Extract |
Source |
Mulberry extract is a natural product extracted from the mature fruit of mulberry plants. |
Specification |
5% 10% |
Appearance |
Purple black powder |
Character |
It is a collection of many small achenes, oblong, yellowish brown, brownish red or dark purple, slightly sour and sweet. |
3.Application of Mulberry Extract :
3.1. Faodar a chleachdadh gu farsaing ann am deochan, deochan fuar, toraidhean cagnaidh, jelly, deoch làidir cruaidh, fìon measan, msaa cuideachd.
3.2.fod, deoch, spòrsail.
3.3.Mulberry Pùdar JuSice Pùdar airson deoch làidir, deochan sùgh mheasan measgaichte measgaichte.
3.4.mulberry Pùdar Pùdar Pùdar airson reòiteag, mìlsean no mìlsean eile.
Bidh Pùdar 3.5.mulberry pùdar Juister airson seusan greim, saubhasan, foighidneach.
3.6.6.Mulberry Pùdar Pùdar airson biadh bèicearachd.
4. Function of Mulberry Extract :
① Resveratrol, the main active substance of mulberry extract, can stimulate some genes in human body to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, prevent the formation of embolism in blood cells, and also prevent the mutation of fine chemobooks caused by carcinogens.
② Mulberry extract vanillin and selenium can eliminate capillary permeability barrier, enhance vascular wall elasticity, prevent arteriosclerosis, and have unique curative effect on hypertension, coronary heart disease, etc.
③ Mulberry polysaccharide has obvious hypoglycemic effect and can basically keep blood sugar within normal range.
Roinn-seòrsa bathair : Earrann planntrais > Stuth raw slàinte griver
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